Each platform online has their own portal to run ads on thier platform. For example, you can create Facebook and Instagram Ads using the Ad Manager, or your can run Google ads using the Adwords Manager. If you’d like to create a marketing plan with one of our experts, please schedule a consultation here.
Online marketing includes all types of marketing done on the internet. This can be social media ads (called Pay-per-click) or sponsored posts on big accounts (called influencer marketing) or email outreach and more.
No. In the SEO market, contracts usually mean the company offering the service doesn’t know what they’re doing. They’re not secure in their services, so they have to lock you in to long contracts. While we offer prepaid discounts for multiple months, we have no contracts. We want to make sure that, month after month, […]
Some of your results will stay. SEO is like fitness. If you work out for a year, have good diet, and sleep well for a year, then don’t work out for a couple months, you’re going to retain a lot of the benefit. The same thing goes for SEO. If you’ve worked hard to get […]
According to online averages, the ROI for SEO is 22:1, or $22 for every $1 spent. Generally high margin service companies are above that average, and low margin e-commerce companies are below that average, with e-commerce averaging an SEO return of 2.75:1, or $2.75 for every $1 spent. Given that ROI is dependent on industry, […]
It largely depends on what your targeted keywords are, how competitive your market is, and how much time you’re investing. Some keywords have hundreds or thousands of sites doing SEO to reach first page, while others have very few competitors. An optimal strategy has a mix of competitive keywords, which can take months to years […]
SEO can be done for free yourself, by an employee for whatever the cost of the employment is, or by an agency for their prices. If you’ve struggled seeing results from your own SEO in the past, its likely that an agency or an employee is a proper next step. Generally, the price of your […]
Ranking first on Google is a tough battle for many high value keywords. It’s hard to give a complete answer, but at an entry level it requires your page including the keyword you want to rank first for and users finding the website useful. Google measures the usefulness of a website through links to your […]
Search Engine Optimization, referred to as SEO, is the process of making your page work well with search engine’s algorithms. Doing SEO results in more free organic traffic to your site. SEO includes many different techniques, but the main points are useful keyword identification, high-quality content creation, relevant link building, and results measurement. To learn […]
Yes, you can do your own SEO. There are a few key parts of doing your own SEO, including on page SEO, off page SEO, and technical SEO. Each of these things are skills that can be learned or even done for a one time boost through a tutorial. Feel free to check out our […]